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on August 1, 2006 at 4:33:15 am
 | My Name - I'm often confused for an argentinian soccer player, a dungeon in Blizzard's "World of Warcraft", and a city in the wheel of time series. In truth, I made up the name Maradon off the top of my head in 1992 for an AOL chat-type RPG (or MUD) called Cosrin, and it just kinda stuck. As far as I know, my use predates Bob Jordan's, and drastically predates Blizzard's. To the left you'll see my WoW warlock of the same name in repose just outside instructor razuvious' little training area. |  | These Walls - The song that serves as the story's prologue is from Dream Theater's album "Octovarium", available in stores everywhere. Pigeon-holed as "progressive rock", dream theater actually demonstrates immense versatility as a band. Octovarium has been one of my favorite albums for some time now. In all honesty, I didn't plan on using the song when I started writing, but winamp just happened to click on to it while I was writing, and I realized how well the lyrics matched the events prior to the story that I had to use it. Which character does it pertain to? Who's singing, and who are they singing to? You'll figure it out eventually ;) |  | Boats and Birds - The song that I have planned for the epilogue, by a band called Gregory and the Hawk. This is the song that actually planted the seed for this story in my head, determined Siona's color and, in part, her nature, and is the source of the "sky" imagery. Also, Meredith Godreau's voice is what I hear when I'm writing Siona's lines. If she stumbles across this page, I hope she doesn't find the notion offensive, heh. The band's first album is now out of print, and their second album hasn't been released to my knowedge. If you can find Boats and Birds floating around on the internet somewhere, I strongly encourage you to buy it. It's unbelievably beautiful. |  | Dune - I could have just let it slide by unexplained, but yes, Siona's name is an homage to (aka stolen from) the fourth book in the Dune series, God Emperor Dune. Some of the desert imagery is Dune inspired as well, though the world of our story is not nearly as dessicated as Arrakis. Our Siona isn't all that similar to Dune's Siona, except in that they're both fairly unpredictable. More or less, I just like dune and I liked the name Siona. Make of it what you will. |
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