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Prologue (redirected from tagboard)

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago


Dream Theater, Octovarium - "These Walls"


This is so hard for me

To find the words to say

My thoughts are standing still


Captive inside of me

All emotions start to hide

And nothing's getting through


Watch me / Fading

I'm losing / All my instincts

Falling into darkness


Tear down these walls for me

Stop me from going under

You're the only one who knows

I'm holding back


It's not too late for me

To keep from sinking further

I'm trying to find my way out

Tear down these walls for me now


So much uncertainty

I don't like this feeling

It's sinking like a stone


Each time I try to speak

There's a voice I'm hearing

And it changes everything


Watch me / Crawl from

The wreckage / Of my silence

Conversation failing


Tear down these walls for me

Stop me from going under

You're the only one who knows

I'm holding back


It's not too late for me

To keep from sinking further

I'm trying to find my way out

Tear down these walls for me now


Every time you choose to turn away

Is it worth the price you pay

Is there someone who will wait for you

One more time

One more time


Watch me / Fading

I'm losing / All my instincts

Falling into darkness


Tear down these walls for me

Stop me from going under

You're the only one who knows

I'm holding back


It's not too late for me

To keep from sinking further

I'm trying to find my way out

Tear down these walls for me now


Tear down these walls for me now

It's not too late for me

Tear down these walls for me now

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