





This version was saved 18 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by PBworks
on September 6, 2006 at 2:17:17 am
WARNING: This site contains adult, erotic content, including but not limited to the story I originally created this site for. If you are offended by graphic depictions of sex, or under the legal age to view such material, scram.


09/06/2006 - 2:14am

Phew! I *told* you I was alive. 5470 word update. I had some trouble with this part, not only because it is crucial plotwise but also because this is the part of the story that's been rolling around my head since the very beginning. Somehow, the fact that I've known what to write here for so long was more a hinderance than a help.

09/01/2006 - 8:18pm

I'm still alive. Two things have been delaying the next update: 1) I've been working like a dog lately, because 3 of the 7 people on the schedule at my job have suddenly quit. and 2) The next chapter is a doozie, and I can't find a spot to break it in order to post an update, so it'll just have to ride until it's done.


On the upside, I should have it done "pretty soon"

08/20/2006 - 2:05pm

Big, big update. 5302 words for a total of 3 new pages concluding chapter 3, heh. Chapter 3 turned out to be a lot longer than I'd planned it, and I ended up stopping earlier than my outline planned for. I'll include the rest in the first part of Chapter 4: Pain.


Some surprises in here. I hope I explained everything I'd intended to. Enjoy.


08/16/2006 - 8:51pm

Oblimo spoonfed me his tagboard code, so now it's working FINE, but not quite DANDY, as it's stained with his color scheme and I neither know why nor can I find any possible reason for it to be colored so erroniously in the code itself. Furthermore when I go to his site, I see my tags in his tag box... I'm just going to go ahead and assume that's some bizarre login issue with tag-world.


Anyway the tagboard should work ok now, and if not I'm going to demand a refund of the $0.00 that I spent on it.



I fixed it but I have no idea how I did it.


No, wait, no I didn't. BLAARRGH. ?raw=bare makes it green. It's the right color if I remove that, but the "tag" button vanishes. I surrender.


08/14/2006 - 9:14pm

Phew. The first 3 pages of Chapter 3: Heart are now up, with probably about 2 pages to follow. At his request I also gave Oblimo a subforum, and also the shoutbox/tagboard/hickamadoo is working again with all the old posts restored and everything! Hooray!



To celebrate I ate a whole can of cherry pie filling. Yay.

The tag board page is ugly for some reason that I cannot discern.


hmmm, I wonder what kind of meliae cherry pie filling would make... er, nevermind...


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