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Saved by PBworks
on September 1, 2006 at 8:21:01 pm
WARNING: This site contains adult, erotic content, including but not limited to the story I originally created this site for. If you are offended by graphic depictions of sex, or under the legal age to view such material, scram.
09/01/2006 - 8:18pm
I'm still alive. Two things have been delaying the next update: 1) I've been working like a dog lately, because 3 of the 7 people on the schedule at my job have suddenly quit. and 2) The next chapter is a doozie, and I can't find a spot to break it in order to post an update, so it'll just have to ride until it's done.
On the upside, I should have it done "pretty soon"
08/20/2006 - 2:05pm
Big, big update. 5302 words for a total of 3 new pages concluding chapter 3, heh. Chapter 3 turned out to be a lot longer than I'd planned it, and I ended up stopping earlier than my outline planned for. I'll include the rest in the first part of Chapter 4: Pain.
Some surprises in here. I hope I explained everything I'd intended to. Enjoy.
08/16/2006 - 8:51pm
Oblimo spoonfed me his tagboard code, so now it's working FINE, but not quite DANDY, as it's stained with his color scheme and I neither know why nor can I find any possible reason for it to be colored so erroniously in the code itself. Furthermore when I go to his site, I see my tags in his tag box... I'm just going to go ahead and assume that's some bizarre login issue with tag-world.
Anyway the tagboard should work ok now, and if not I'm going to demand a refund of the $0.00 that I spent on it.
I fixed it but I have no idea how I did it.
No, wait, no I didn't. BLAARRGH. ?raw=bare makes it green. It's the right color if I remove that, but the "tag" button vanishes. I surrender.
08/14/2006 - 9:14pm
Phew. The first 3 pages of Chapter 3: Heart are now up, with probably about 2 pages to follow. At his request I also gave Oblimo a subforum, and also the shoutbox/tagboard/hickamadoo is working again with all the old posts restored and everything! Hooray!
To celebrate I ate a whole can of cherry pie filling. Yay.
The tag board page is ugly for some reason that I cannot discern.
hmmm, I wonder what kind of meliae cherry pie filling would make... er, nevermind...
08/10/2006 - 6:48pm
Added the shoutbox back in. I mean, why not?
Chapter 3 is coming along swimmingly, but I admit to loafing because I'm not totally sure how I want to do the next bit that I'm working on.
In other news, if you are a starving artist and you think you might be able to draw a neat picture related to my story, drop me a post on the forums and we'll discuss a possible comission.
08/07/2006 - 1:53pm
Hi Brian :p
Replaced the shoutbox with a message board. The site is getting a ton more traffic than I ever expected it to (much of it from Oblimo's site - thanks bud!), and I hope the new forum will encourage people to share their opinions of my story more.
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