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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago
Ty had been through a few desert caves in his life, but nothing like the tunnel he and Siona now traveled through. The tunnel itself was constructed of a material Ty had never encountered before, colored a muted slate blue, it was neither stone nor metal but seemed to be both.


Ty marveled at its construction – it was crossed with a web-work of pipes and conduits and frayed wiring, much of it had broken off or fallen ages ago, creating a trying obstacle course. Elaborate, unfamiliar pictograms seemed to cover even the most minor of objects.


Their only illumination came from filmy yellow lights embedded in the ceiling, most of which were broken. In parts, great sheets of the wall had fallen, and Ty could see through to a nest of infinitely complicated circuitry. In other places vast, empty blackness was all he could see beyond the wall.


“This place used to be so beautiful” Siona remarked after a long silence. She stepped carefully between two crossbeams that blocked their path and offered Ty her hand. “People everywhere, children, homes… seeing it now is like seeing something, I dunno. Dead.”


Siona seemed to alternate randomly between walking with two shapely human legs and gliding along, her feet and ankles melted together into a small roiling pool. After a while, Ty noticed that she chose to walk in human fashion when he was looking directly at her – it caused her nude behind to flex and her supple pseudo-hips to swing alluringly. She was displaying herself to him. Ty wondered if she even realized she was doing it. He hoped she was.


“What’s your home like, Ty?”


Ty looked up, briefly abashed at his train of thought.


“Well, I spend most of my time in the desert, hunting or just playing around the ruins. Doc Rhomb gave me an apartment in his town and I spend some time there. The towns are pretty small; some people keep a farm there. The side facing the city is disguised as a dune, and we all have a beacon to get back there.” At this Ty showed Siona his wrist beacon. It still read out of range. “Not much to talk about really.”


“How about you, Siona? What was your home like?”


Siona looked surprised at the question. “Oh, well, you know, us Ballenta don’t need much. Uh oh!” She had come to a stop in front of a collapsed section of tunnel. In front of Siona the floor and walls had crumbled into a black void that might be a foot deep or a thousand. Ty got the disquieting impression that their tunnel was actually suspended over an enormous height.


Before Ty’s dizziness passed, Siona had darted to a side of the tunnel obscured by wreckage and began to tug at a large pipe there. Ty motioned toward the pipe to help her, but before he got there Siona looped her arm around the pipe that was as wide as her own frame at the shoulder and, with a short, girlish grunt of exertion, snapped it off like a flower stem.


Ty’s hand hung in the air, his eyes wide. His erection, which had been fading, leapt to new life in his pants.


Siona approached Ty, grinning proudly, and displayed her glassy blue arm. It was lined with jagged blue crystals. “Rzzz!” Siona exclaimed, laughing. The crystals vanished and she wrapped the lethal arms around Ty’s neck, kissing him lightly on the mouth. “As you saw before,” she tongued her teeth, “I can change my density pretty much however I like.”


“Can you fit?” she asked suddenly.


“Huh? Oh, in the pipe! Let me see.” Ty touched Siona lightly on the hips and kissed her again before breaking away reluctantly and ducking into the end of pipe (it had been shorn off without so much as a jagged burr). He tried several directions, but couldn’t get far. “No, I only barely fit. I can get in, but I can’t make any progress.”


Siona took him by the hand. “Ah, here, you go in first, and then I’ll go behind you and push you along. It widens up a little further in and we can crawl along, you’ll be ok.”


Ty didn’t like the idea. “How can you be sure it widens?” Siona looked at him in mock irritation. “I just know this place dummy, get in there or I’ll throw you across that bottomless pit.” Siona put both hands on Ty’s butt and pushed him to the pipe. He got in laughing nervously.


Ty’s arms were locked at his sides, the only light he could see coming from the room he had left. He felt Siona push his bare feet into the pipe, running a nail-less finger teasingly along the arch of his foot. Then, cool goo swelled in around his feet and legs. Ty was thrown into darkness and confined utterly. For all his love of the outside world, he had never been afraid of enclosed spaces, but he felt his heart speed up and his breathing grow short regardless.


When Siona had flown in, stopping prudently at Ty’s waist, Ty began to feel himself propelled forward. The pipe was smooth and he glided easily. The darkness and the motion and the feeling of Siona throbbing around his legs made him feel dreamy and unreal, like being carried through a warm night in the arms of some seraph.


Ty noticed a pulsing yellow light growing ahead of him, and he was soon pushed out on his back into a wider rectangular tunnel. The walls here were transparent and behind them the only source of light; golden, egg-shaped crystals winked on like fireflies, quivered slightly, then winked out.


Ty felt currents eddy and swell against his clothes as Siona washed up his chest and resumed her female form, her arms trickling around Ty’s lower back and her firm breasts pressing tightly against his stomach. “You know,” she whispered when she had fully formed, “I don’t need any more right now, but I’d enjoy some.” She lowered her chin in a bashful shrug gazed up at him. Ty found the expression adorable, like a girl trying to charm her way into something she knew she didn’t deserve.


Ty nodded agreeably and said nothing, trying to compliment her act by giving the impression of reluctant approval. He spoiled the effect by struggling in vein to shimmy his pants down in the enclosed space. Siona giggled.


“It’s ok, lay back.” Some of Siona flowed up behind Ty’s head, propping it up so he could look down at her without being uncomfortable. Siona stared into Ty’s eyes briefly, and then closed her own. Her tight cleavage seemed to glisten and become moist. Ty gasped slightly as he felt a runnel of Siona ooze down his stomach and into his pants.


He felt it part around his scrotum and fill the cleft of his ass. Siona opened her eyes again, half-lidded, and began to make a humming sound that was halfway between an aroused, rhythmic panting and a singsong. Ty watched the blue-stained golden crystals blink hypnotically through her heart shaped face.


Tendrils reached up and lifted Ty’s shirt, giving Siona’s face access to Ty’s chest. She rested her head against Ty’s sternum, her hair drifting along his sides, feeling fluid, and began her work in earnest. Bracing herself against the walls of the chamber, she clamped down tightly on Ty’s midsection.


The pressure excited Ty immensely, and he began to feel hands and lips and parts he couldn’t identify form out of the mass in his pants. They tugged and sucked at his cock, cradled and rolled his balls delightfully. Ty compulsively shut his eyes tight, his toes popping lightly as they curled.


Siona’s rhythm increased and spread over Ty’s body, pinching and teasing his anus and perineum, then his ass and thighs. Ty wondered that he had not come six times already. He opened his eyes again to find Siona had shut her own, her brow furrowed. She opened her mouth and rest her teeth gently against Ty’s chest in a silent cry, her hair beginning to lose its cohesion and drizzle against Ty’s sides. She let out a petulant moan and nibbled at Ty’s chest.


To Ty’s skin she was a raging torrent, but to his eyes she was a fragile girl in the throes of immense pleasure, mewling and panting; trying not to sound too obscene and failing wonderfully. Ty cradled her head and held it gently to him, running his fingers through the slippery hair that had once felt so human. Speckles of blue syrup began to dot Ty’s chest as she gasped.


“Ple- please come. It feels so- so good. Can’t keep- this up, going to- lose my mind” she began to stammer, her words broken by involuntary gasps. She lightly bit the skin of Ty’s chest and let an uncontrolled whine escape her nose. The torrent around Ty’s lower body surged and Ty felt an orgasm building, like the sea pulling back before a catastrophic wave that, to Ty’s continued wonderment, refused to break.


The pillow behind Ty forgot that it was a pillow, and hand-like tendrils began to caress Ty’s face. One cradled the back of his head in precisely the manner he was doing to Siona, and another finger-sized runnel loomed before his mouth, begging to be sucked. Ty did so eagerly.


Siona began to cry. Her panting and mewling became slightly damp and choked. Tears fell to Ty’s chest that were clear, not blue.


“You’ll- accept- me” she murmured, gasping. At this, Ty’s wave broke, semen gushed out of him in a torrent. “You- Inside- Me-“ she squealed in ecstasy. Siona opened her dewy eyes and looked into Ty’s delirious face as his flood entered her body.


Without slowing the wild storm around Ty’s spasming cock, she brought her face close to Ty’s; her round breasts still pressed against him, their hard nipples abrading against his chest; and kissed him on the mouth, the tendril that was already there becoming one with her tongue. Ty tasted the salt of her tears and felt the moisture between his skin and the smooth gel of her face.


Siona began to quiver at her own building orgasm. She broke their kiss and stared Ty in the face, their noses touching. “You love me.” She said. It was not a question.


She kissed Ty again, then she exploded, and Ty joined her for a second explosion of his own; the storm that was her lower body spiraling out like a clockwork watch that had blown a spring. Ty tasted her tongue in his mouth. It seemed to pulse in and out of his taste buds, a flavor like the smell of the air on a spring evening multiplied a million times. It was gone as soon it has he’d noticed it.

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